Despite its traditional reliance on hydrocarbon fuels for both domestic energy consumption as well as exports, the Middle East is fast becoming a beacon for the renewables industry, in terms of technological development as well as active adoption. Even though these two approaches to energy provision differ radically, they both appeal greatly to the Middle East because of the region’s unique makeup and assets. Just as they successfully did with oil, ME countries are now attempting to tie their fortunes to another natural resource that they possess in abundance: sunlight.
Weaning itself away from hydrocarbons is an ongoing process for the Middle East, one which had a troubled start due to the initial costs and political pressures attached to striking out in such a bold new direction. However, with the price of solar energy provision tumbling in the past ten years, strengthened by the proliferation of advanced solar technologies and expertise globally, the ME solar industry is rapidly gaining ground and attracting vast streams of foreign and domestic investment.